On August 13, 2015, Medicare approved coverage of the Prolaris® test for men diagnosed with low-risk and very low-risk prostate cancer. The decision is the culmination
of years of scientific discovery, research and collaboration, and is an enormous step in improving patient care.

Every day, 630 men in the United States are diagnosed with prostate cancer, and 82 die from the disease. Daunting statistics like these underscore
the tremendous need for better tools to fight this deadly cancer. We know that most prostate cancers are slow growing; however, some grow quickly. The
challenge always has been telling aggressive from nonaggressive cancer.

Prior to the genomics revolution, and for the last 50 years, physicians largely relied on the Gleason score, clinical grade and, after its development, PSA
to evaluate the prognosis of men with prostate cancer. A Gleason score is determined based upon how cancer
cells look under a microscope – the higher the score, the worse the prognosis.
Although clinically useful, the Gleason score is subjective and imperfect. Fast forward to today.

Prostate Cancer Still No.1

According to the American Cancer Society, prostate cancer remains the most commonly diagnosed malignancy among men in the United States. The top five cancers in American men are shown here.

Prolaris is the first prognostic test to determine the aggressiveness of prostate cancer and has been studied in more than 10 clinical studies with thousands
of patients. The test measures the activity level of 46 genes and provides physicians with precise objective information that is based on the tumor’s
genetic profile. Simply put, men with a low Prolaris score have a low risk of disease progression and may be candidates for active surveillance, while
those with a high score are at higher risk and may benefit from additional therapy.

The Prolaris test already is changing the equation in the fight against prostate cancer. Any physician who has treated prostate cancer knows all too well
the personal and financial cost of undertreating an aggressive cancer or overtreating a slow growing, indolent cancer. More work needs to be done to
reduce the death toll from prostate cancer, but Medicare’s positive decision will help ensure that Medicare patients who need a Prolaris test will have

Mark Capone

CEO, Myriad Genetics

Learn more about personalizing prostate cancer treatment and Prolaris.