March is Colon Cancer Awareness Month. It’s a good time to learn more about hereditary colon cancer and how to lower the risk of developing cancer.
Hereditary colon cancer accounts for about 5 to 10 percent of all colon cancer cases and is caused by a genetic mutation that is inherited from either

Know the signs: Early, Multiple, Rare

1. Early occurrence (<50 years of age) of cancer in any individual or family member ( male or female)

2. Multiple cases of cancer in an individual and/or family member

3. Rare or uncommon occurrences of cancer in personal and/or family history

If there are early, multiple or rare colon cancers in your family, you may have a significantly increased risk for colon cancer and should consider:

1. Colonoscopies before the age of 50 at a frequency of more than once every 10 years

2. Hereditary cancer testing to determine if there is an inherited genetic mutation associated with colon cancer

Awareness is key and knowledge is power. Talk with your doctor and learn more at:

Be well.