Myriad Genetics Blog Blog > New Data Validating the Prolaris® Test to Guide Treatment for Prostate Cancer New Data Validating the Prolaris® Test to Guide Treatment for Prostate Cancer February 17, 2021 Provider Blog Urology Myriad Genetics announces new data validating the prognostic power of the Prolaris multi-modal threshold and its ability to help predict which men with aggressive prostate cancer will benefit from advanced hormonal therapy and which patients with lower-risk prostate cancer can safely avoid such treatments. In 2018, the United States Preventive Services Task Force identified up to 50% of prostate cancers were over diagnosed which may result in overtreatment1. By accurately predicting the aggressiveness of the tumor, the Prolaris test can help reduce the number of over diagnosed cases and guide treatment decisions for each patient’s initial treatment whether it be surgery or radiation and can identify which patients can go without hormone therapy (ADT). Historically, Urologists in practice have given RT or ADT after initial treatment to reduce the risk of their patient’s cancer returning, but new data from Johnathon Tward M.D., Ph.D, associate professor in the Department of Radiation Oncology at the University of Utah has demonstrated there is no benefit for select men. 1. Prostate-Specific Antigen–Based Screening for Prostate Cancer, Fenton et al. JAMA 2018