Myriad Genetics Blog Blog > Not All Prostate Cancer is the Same Not All Prostate Cancer is the Same March 26, 2020 Patient Blog Urology Up to 1 in 6 prostate cancers are hereditary. If you have hereditary prostate cancer, your children and siblings have a 50% chance of having the same genetic mutation and an elevated risk of inheriting a variety of cancers. Knowing if your cancer is hereditary can greatly impact your treatment. Nearly 1 in 5 mutation carriers with prostate cancer will have about a 20% chance of dying from the disease within 5 years. 25% of carriers are likely to develop metastatic disease within 5 years, and live 7 years less on average. Learn more at The Prostate Cancer Quiz. The Prolaris® test combines clinically proven information with traditional diagnostic features such as PSA and Gleason to define how your prostate cancer is behaving and how your cancer will progress. The Prolaris test provides unique and independent information. In two clinical utility studies, the Prolaris results lead to changes in medical management in up to 65% of patients1-2 If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with prostate cancer, it is important to determine how aggressive the cancer is behaving. For more information about prostate cancer aggressiveness click here.