Myriad Genetics Blog Blog > Prolaris Provided Me With a Level of Comfort Prolaris Provided Me With a Level of Comfort May 6, 2015 Patient Blog Urology Video Howard Goldberg was 68-years-old when he was diagnosed with prostate cancer. It started at his annual checkup where his doctor informed him that his PSA levels were high. After that, his doctor recommended that Howard see a Urologist for further testing. Upon seeing a Urologist and having a biopsy done, Howard made the decision to have his prostate removed. About a year after Howard’s surgery his doctor first informed him about Prolaris. After learning about Prolaris and doing some research, he decided to have the Prolaris test done. Howard was pleased to learn from the results of his Prolaris test that he was on the right course. The value of taking a Prolaris test provided Howard with the comfort of knowing he made the right decision. In addition, he said he sleeps better at night knowing that he is doing the right thing. If he were to change anything about his prostate cancer journey, it would have been to have the Prolaris test done sooner. Learn about more prostate cancer survivors.