Early prostate cancer generally does not exhibit any symptoms. Oftentimes, an initial diagnosis is made by a doctor during an annual exam of the prostate. Men who do experience symptoms will generally notice changes in urinary and/or sexual function. These types of changes warrant a visit with your physician to determine the cause.

There are other prostate conditions which can mirror symptoms related to prostate cancer. It is important that you meet with your doctor if you are experiencing any of the symptoms listed below to determine what might be causing those symptoms.

Prostate cancer symptoms may include:

  • A frequent urge to urinate, including nighttime frequency or urgency
  • Difficulty initiating urination
  • A weak or interrupted urine flow
  • Pain or burning while urinating (from cancer pressing on the spinal cord)
  • Loss of bladder or bowel control
  • Difficulty achieving/maintaining an erection
  • Painful ejaculation
  • Blood in the semen or urine
  • Pain in the hips, back or chest (indicating metastasis to the bones)
  • Weakness, numbness, or swelling in legs and feet