Myriad Genetics Blog Blog > The Importance of Genetic Testing for Prostate Cancer P1 The Importance of Genetic Testing for Prostate Cancer P1 September 17, 2020 Patient Blog Urology Myriad has partnered with the Prostate Health Education Network (PHEN) advocacy group to help educate patients and caregivers on the importance of genetic testing. In this portion of the webinar, Dr. Todd Cohen, Medical Director of Urology at Myriad Genetics discusses how genetic testing can impact a patient’s prostate cancer journey. Dr. Cohen will give an overview on genetic testing including who should be tested, how they should be tested, and when they should be tested. He will also talk about the importance of identifying gene mutations that have implications on cancer, the simplicity of genetic testing and how this information could impact patient treatment. The metastatic patient journey will also be explored. Dr. Cohen will talk through the limitations these patients have had in the past and how the process for metastasis has progressed with new available treatment options. Click here to watch the webinar. Want to Learn More? Visit our Hereditary Cancer Patient Central webpage for more info.