Myriad Genetics Blog Blog > When You Bring in a Partner, It’s the Unknown When You Bring in a Partner, It’s the Unknown February 15, 2020 Provider Blog Urology The Modern UrologistMyriad Genetics brings you a casual, yet educational podcast about modern topics in Urology. Because every man with prostate cancer deserves a better answer. Private Equity in Urology: Opportunities and ChallengesbyMyriad GeneticsOn this episode of TMU, Dr. Mark Edney welcomes Dr. Deepak Kapoor as they dive into the world of private equity and healthcare policy. They discuss the opportunities and challenges faced by private practices in the field of Urology, and explore the topic of private equity with Dr. Kapoor's experiences as the chairman of Solaris Health. Listeners will gain insight into the differences between private equity and venture capital. Dr. Kapoor and Dr. Edney stress the importance of everyone having a voice in this thought-provoking conversation that highlights the ultimate goal of providing great patient care. Send us a textSearch EpisodesClear Search Private Equity in Urology: Opportunities and Challenges June 29, 2023 Myriad Genetics Private Equity in Urology November 18, 2019 Myriad Genetics Search Results placeholderPrevious EpisodeShow Episodes ListNext EpisodeShow Podcast Information Is your practice considering an acquisition? Listen along as Dr. Mike Gambla from Central Ohio Urology Group shares his experience with private equity acquisitions in the Urology space. Mike also talks about the potential gains and possible cultural disruptions that can arise with a private equity acquisition. The conversation changes to the role nurse navigators play in getting patients with advanced disease states better care through second and third line therapies, the role analytics can play in improving patient outcomes and forecast practice needs are also discussed. Listen to other episodes here.