MyRisk® Hereditary Cancer Test

I have prostate cancer. How can genetic testing help me?

Knowing where your cancer came from could save your life, or your children’s lives. Hereditary cancer occurs when a gene mutation is passed down from parent to child. People with hereditary cancer mutations in their family are more likely to have relatives with the same type or other related types of cancer.

MyRisk® Hereditary Cancer Test

I have prostate cancer. How can genetic testing help me?

Knowing where your cancer came from could save your life, or your children’s lives. Hereditary cancer occurs when a gene mutation is passed down from parent to child. People with hereditary cancer mutations in their family are more likely to have relatives with the same type or other related types of cancer.

Better answers lead to the best possible outcomes.

Knowing where your cancer came from could save your life, or your children’s lives.
Did you know up to 1 in 81 men with prostate cancer have a genetic mutation that may have caused their cancer? It’s true.

If you have a genetic mutation, you may be at a higher risk of developing secondary cancer or having more aggressive cancer. Genetic mutations can also be passed on. This means that your sons, daughters and siblings all have a 50% chance of having the same mutation. They could be at risk for getting the same kind of cancer or another potentially threatening form.

Is prostate cancer a hereditary cancer?

It can be.

Knowing where your cancer came from could save your life, or your children’s lives.
Hereditary cancer occurs when a gene mutation is passed down from parent to child. People with hereditary cancer mutations in their family are more likely to have relatives with the same type or other related types of cancer.

Hereditary prostate cancer is generally more aggressive than non-hereditary types, which means that early detection, along with new treatment options, can be lifesaving. Having hereditary cancer can also mean a higher risk for developing more than one cancer and those cancers often occur at an earlier age.

If you do have hereditary prostate cancer, you want to find out early. The answers are in your genes.

Do I qualify for genetic testing?

If you’re newly diagnosed, have already been treated, or have metastatic prostate cancer there are simple genetic tests that offer peace of mind and greater hope. Myriad genetic testing shows if you inherited a mutation that may have caused your cancer and whether your family members have an elevated risk.

If you’ve previously been treated for prostate cancer, genetic testing can identify your risk of developing secondary cancer in the future. And if you have metastatic prostate cancer, you can now qualify for new, life-sustaining treatments like PARP-inhibitors.

Medical societies strongly recommend genetic testing if you meet any of the following criteria:

  • Metastatic prostate cancer
  • High-/Very high-risk prostate cancer

Or Gleason score 6 or 7 and one of the following:

  • Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry
  • 1 family member with high-risk or metastatic prostate cancer
  • 1 family member with ovarian cancer
  • 1 family member with pancreatic cancer
  • 1 family member with breast cancer ≤ 50 years old
  • 2 family members on the same side of the family with breast or prostate cancer at any age

NCCN® Clinical Practice Guidelines in Oncology (NCCN Guidelines®) – Genetic/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast, Ovarian and Pancreatic V.1.2023.

Benefits of testing

Knowing your hereditary cancer status is critical when it comes to making treatment decisions and understanding your true risk.

Benefits for individuals

  • Improved risk management and surveillance
  • Qualify for new, targeted therapies
  • Learn if you are at risk of developing a second cancer
  • Qualify for clinical research trials

You deserve a better answer

Benefits for Families

  • Increased surveillance and screening
  • Preventative surgery & medications to reduce risk
  • Prevent future cancers

Families deserve a better answer

Easy-to-understand results

We’re with you every step of the way.

Patients and their families use test results to make life-saving medical decisions. Myriad is committed to providing patients with access to accurate and affordable genetic results. We’re also here to help you understand your test results.

You have access to pre- and post-test consults with a patient educator and a board-certified genetic counselor at no additional cost.

    Pre-test education

    Speak with a certified genetic counselor at Myriad if you have any questions about genetic testing. Call 888-356-0630.

    Post-test education consult

    To help answer any questions that you may have about your result, go to You will need your accession number located at the top of your result.

How much does it cost?

93% of patients pay $0 out-of-pocket93% of patients pay $0 out-of-pocket

97% of people have coverage for genetic testing, with 93% of all patients paying $0. For those with an out-of-pocket cost, the average is < $60.

We’re with you every step of the way.

Because patients and their families use test results to make life-saving medical decisions. Myriad is committed to providing patients with access to accurate and affordable genetic results.

Insurance coverage

Myriad is in-network with most major insurance plans including Medicare. For commercial and government-funded plans, Myriad will work with your health insurance company to obtain coverage for the test ordered by your healthcare provider.

A trusted product

Over 25 years as a leader in molecular diagnostics

In 1994, Myriad discovered the BRCA1 gene and subsequently introduced the first molecular diagnostic test for hereditary breast and ovarian cancer.

Better answers are here now. Schedule a no-cost and confidential appointment with a Myriad Genetics advisor to learn more about genetic testing for prostate cancer and how it could benefit you.

Hereditary cancer testing is now standard-of-care in all breast and ovarian cancer patient workups and we are committed to making genetic testing standard-of-care in prostate cancer. Myriad has since provided 7 million patients with life-changing genetic information.

Myriad is committed to expanding access to germline testing for all men with prostate cancer and providing our customers with timely and actionable results.

The Myriad advantage

7 million patients tested

Committed to making testing easy and affordable

Committed to keeping your genetic privacy safe

Lifetime commitment to helping you understand your results and disease

Don’t Wait!

There’s no benefit in waiting to find out if you have hereditary cancer, but there are big benefits to discovering it early. Don’t wait. Request your test kit today.

Or contact a Myriad trusted advisor at

(513) 216-4752

  1. Prevalence of Germline Variants in Prostate Cancer and Implications for Current Genetic Testing Guidelines Nicolosi et al. JAMA Oncol 2019