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Newly diagnosed with prostate cancer?
Currently on active surveillance?
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Gleason scoring plays a vital role in determining prostate cancer treatment decisions. Since the 1970s, Gleason has been used to assess the aggressiveness of a patient’s prostate cancer. Unfortunately, Gleason grading and scoring can be largely subjective, in fact, 34% of the time, expert-trained Pathologists disagree about biopsy Gleason scores1. This is where the Prolaris test comes in.
Prolaris is an advanced genetic test that combines tools like Gleason score and PSA with a personalized tumor score to determine how aggressive your prostate cancer is. Prolaris helps you decide which treatment option is best based on your cancer.
Prolaris is for any untreated man with prostate cancer and helps you answer your most pressing questions like:
In two clinical utility studies, Prolaris results lead to change in management in up to 65% of patients.2,3,4
The Prolaris score is 2x more prognostic than PSA and Gleason score combined5
97% of patients pay $0 out of pocket
“Prolaris gave me the ability to maintain the lifestyle that my wife and I have lived with for many years now.”
Tim Petracca
When it comes to making active surveillance or definitive treatment decisions, choosing the correct genetic test matters. Prolaris goes beyond risk-stratification with two-validated thresholds to determine which patients are safe for active surveillance, which patients need treatment, and how much treatment is needed.
Contact our trusted advisors for personalized support.
Learn how genetic testing can provide better answers for the best prostate cancer treatment for you in our FREE Patient Testing Guide.