Understanding my Prolaris® report

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Understanding my Prolaris report

Interpreting your Prolaris report

The Prolaris biopsy report was designed with you in mind. To learn more about each section of your personalized results, watch the detailed report overview video or scroll down to interact with each section of the report.

Prolaris is a genetic test that measures tumor behavior to provide patients with a personalized risk of death over the next 10-years if choosing active surveillance and the risk of cancer spreading (metastasis) if choosing an active treatment.

Click the number of each section to learn more.

Interactive Report Guide

Hover/tap on each section of the sample Prolaris Biopsy Report to learn more about each segment.

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Interactive Report Guide

Hover/tap on each section of the sample Prolaris Biopsy Report to get a description of the section.

Prolaris Molecular Score

The Prolaris Molecular Score is calculated by measuring the expression of 31 cell cycle progression (CCP) genes in the tumor. This predicts the behavior of the tumor. The majority of Prolaris Molecular Scores fall between 1-11, with a higher score indicating more aggressive cancer.

Risk Assessment

Clinical variables like PSA and Gleason score are combined with the Prolaris Molecular Score to calculate a patient’s risk assessment.

Active Surveillance

Men with prostate cancer that is not considered to be aggressive can be safely monitored using Active Surveillance. While it is normal to feel some unease with choosing to just watch your cancer, Active Surveillance is the recommended management option for most men with lower risk cancers and involves actively monitoring the disease through routine PSA testing and other measures.

Single-Modal Treatment

One form of active treatment. Men with more aggressive tumors should undergo treatment. The type and intensity (magnitude) of the treatment is usually tailored to the potential risk of the disease. The most common forms of treatment include surgical removal of the prostate, radiation therapy and hormonal therapy. When single modality therapy is chosen, additional therapies may be considered later if the cancer should return.

Multi-Modal Treatment

Two or more forms of treatment

Men with very aggressive cancer may be offered multimodal therapy. Multimodality therapy employs two or more therapies at the treatment onset. National cancer guidelines offer suggestions as to which may be a more appropriate treatment option based on your risk and potential outcomes of the treatment. Proper risk stratification through biomarker testing is an important factor to consider when making your treatment decision.

The final decision on whether to use a single or a multimodality therapy is a shared decision between the patient and the physician and is based on the perceived aggressiveness of the disease, the outcomes of the treatment, potential side effects of treatment or treatments and, of course, how the patient and his family want to proceed.

Disease Specific Mortality

A patient’s 10-year risk of disease specific mortality (DSM) when choosing Active Surveillance.

Risk of Metastasis

A patient’s 10-year risk of developing metastatic cancer when choosing single-modal treatment like surgery or radiation. (See risk assessment detail page for more information)

ARR description

A patient’s 10–year risk of metastasis when choosing Radiation Therapy AND Androgen Deprivation Therapy (ADT)

Risk When Pursuing Active Surveillance

This section describes a patient’s Disease Specific Mortality. The clinical interpretation of this section is that the patient has a 2.3% chance of dying from prostate cancer over the next 10 years if choosing Active Surveillance. This threshold was validated on untreated men, with death of prostate cancer as the primary outcome studied.

Risk When Pursuing Active Treatment

For a patient considering single modal treatment, the 10-year risk of metastasis is shown within the blue box. This threshold was validated on patients treated with single-modal therapy, with metastasis as the primary endpoint.

Risk when considering the addition of hormone therapy to radiation therapy

This section describes a patient’s individualized assessment of how adding hormone therapy (ADT) to Radiation Therapy (RT) may reduce the risk of metastasis over 10 years.

Risk Stratification Details

A patient’s risk of Disease Specific Mortality or metastasis is represented with a person icon. This person is compared to other patients within their NCCN risk group. Grouping based on traditional features like The average DSM risk of each NCCN category is shown with a triangle. The active surveillance threshold is indicated by a dashed line The multi-modal threshold is indicated with a dotted line.

Test Description and References

The test description and references are provided on the final page of the report.

Prostate cancer is a hereditary cancer

Up to 1 in 61 men with prostate cancer have a genetic mutation that may have caused their cancer. Genetic testing is the only way to identify this risk and your personalized results can directly impact current and future treatment decisions such as are you safe for Active Surveillance or should you consider treatment? Your results can also provide your family with peace of mind by informing them of their risk of developing hereditary cancers in the future.

  1. Prevalence of Germline Variants in Prostate Cancer and Implications for Current Genetic Testing Guidelines Nicolosi et al. JAMA Oncol 2019