Counsyl is committed to making genetic screening accessible for your patients through Counsyl Complete™, our comprehensive suite of support services.
This is why, we are proud to announce two new improvements to help more patients access genetic screening:

1) New Ability to Ship Patient Saliva Kits Through Your Provider Portal

For patients that live far away from their provider’s office, we’ve now included the ability for clinics to send a Counsyl saliva kit directly to a patient’s address via FedEx through their provider portal.
How it works
Providers simply need to head to the Order tab in their provider portal and select the type of screen they are ordering. After filling in their patient’s information, they will be asked “Do you have a collection kit?” If they select “No”, a saliva kit will be sent directly to the patient’s address via FedEx.

2) New Blood Draw Site Locator

Our new blood draw site locator at was designed for clinics that do not have a convenient location for their patients to get their blood drawn for Counsyl genetic screens.
Patients simply have to go to and type in their address, city or zipcode and they’ll receive a listing of Counsyl-partnered blood draw locations nearby.

All patients need to do is bring 1) their signed order requisition and 2) a Counsyl blood collection kit to the blood draw site of their choice and we’ll take care of the rest.Untitled-1

We hope these new features allow providers to spend less time discussing logistics and more time caring for their patients.

Counsyl Complete: Your partner in patient care.

Illuminating the path to better health through genetic insights

Our tests and screens reveal information to guide patients and providers to better health and well-being. Whether you’re searching for answers related to cancer risk, cancer treatment, prenatal care or mental health, Myriad screens and tests can help.