We are excited to announce significant updates to our website: counsyl.com.
In addition to a fresh look, we’ve made the site easier to navigate and added new resources for healthcare providers and patients.

Key enhancements made include:

At Counsyl, we are proud to partner with providers to deliver actionable information that guides women and their families in making critical and timely health decisions.
We are humbled to have completed over one million screens and strive to continue to serve more patients.
Questions? Contact [email protected]
Please note: this update did NOT impact the provider portal or any post-login sites for patients. The “Login” button in the top right is still the same and any bookmarks saved will automatically redirect.

Illuminating the path to better health through genetic insights

Our tests and screens reveal information to guide patients and providers to better health and well-being. Whether you’re searching for answers related to cancer risk, cancer treatment, prenatal care or mental health, Myriad screens and tests can help.