Empowering confident cancer care at every step
Myriad Oncology offers comprehensive germline and tumor genomic tests that provide clinically actionable insights, helping to tailor treatments for each patient’s unique cancer journey—maximizing their chance for a healthier future.

Improving patients outcomes throughout their journey
From risk assessment to therapy selection, Myriad Oncology offers integrated germline and tumor genomic tests that enable a truly personalized approach to cancer prevention and treatment.

Latest research and publications

Groundbreaking research to support patient health
Myriad conducts industry-leading, innovative genetic research and testing to further the science of care. Our scientific studies have been published in prominent journals and at global conferences and feature breakthrough insights for improved patient treatments and outcomes.
See our publicationsReferences:
- Gradishar W, et al. Clinical variant classification: a comparison of public databases and a commercial testing laboratory. The Oncologist. 2017; 22(7):797–803. doi: 10.1634/theoncologist.2016-0431
- Mundt E, et al. Driving Down the Rate of Variants of Uncertain Significance as the Myriad MyRisk® Multigene Panel Grows [White paper]. Myriad Genetics. Oct 2019.
- Internal data on file at Myriad Genetics, Inc
Myriad Genetics, MyRisk, Precise Tumor, MyChoice, Prolaris, BRACAnalysis CDx, RiskScore, and their respective logos, are registered trademarks of Myriad Genetics, Inc. and its subsidiaries in the United States and other jurisdictions. EndoPredict and the EndoPredict logo are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Eurobio Scientific.