Two peer-reviewed publications show that the Myriad Women’s Health NIPS solution, Prequel Carrier Screen, is accurate across all types of patients, including patients known to have lower fetal fractions due to high BMI. (See links below to download both peer-reviewed publications.)

A cohort of 58,105 was sought to confirm Prequel Carrier Screen’s effectiveness. This study also included difficult-to-call samples such as vanishing twins and mosaicism, as well as consanguineous, ovum donor, and surrogate pregnancies. Results were delivered to 99.9% of patients while maintaining high sensitivity and specificity. Across the entire cohort, there were seven false negatives.

In the past, patients have been turned away from NIPS because of their ethnicity and body habitus. However, with Prequel Prenatal Screen, they can receive an accurate and reliable result the first time. By choosing Prequel Prenatal Screen, you can now deliver superior patient care regardless of body habitus, race, or ethnicity.

Download the peer-reviewed publications by clicking below.

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